Monday, March 19, 2007

New Years Eve was a time of making resolutions- of attempting to better ourselves by working on a negative trait. Spring is now here, and most of our resolutions have been forgotten or just lost along the way. Now is a good time to renew our commitment or maybe start over. Why not both!!?

I have Incorporated my efforts and those of some other people and thought I would share with you my:

S- Savor the senses- see, hear, smell, feel and taste the newness around you.

P- Pray- for those who need care to be able to inspire their caregivers to enjoy their time together. That they can bring smiles to each other many times throughout the day!!!

R- Renew your childish excitement- find the fun in your day, and laugh out loud!

I- Infect and inspire others - Let the strength of your faith shine!!

N- Notice the good in every person, place and thing!

G- Get fit- eat right, exercise, think positive. Do something different with your routine. Use a juicer, move more, challenge your mind-- make it interesting-- but most of all resolve to find fun- It's not just for kids!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN! A wonderful thought. Spring has always been by favorite! A joyful time of renewal.