Sunday, February 25, 2007


My family and I have been very busy moving my Mother. In the process we have come across some very old photo albums belonging to my Grandparents on both sides. We don’t remember seeing the photos before, and spent hours with Mom figuring out who all of the people were.

Relatives emerged who we never knew, such as both sets of Grandparents Parents. There were pictures of fellow workers and friends, events and even one of Herbert Hoover that my Dad took when he was a small boy and part of a crowd watching as he stood on the back of a train to talk to all of them.

It was a strange sensation because we could feel the ties with our relatives- even though we had never met some of them. Seeing them as young (and my Parents as babies with their parents) brought thoughts of belonging to a much larger circle than we usually think about. As my grandchildren looked through some of the albums they were looking at the backgrounds too. Old cars, vintage clothing, bicycles and furniture caught their eye. Ours too, because we still have some of the furnishings that were handed down through the generations, and now were seeing pictures with our “antiques” in the background!!

This year as my family comes and goes, those albums will all be on display for them to look through. My hope is that they all will get the feeling I have of belonging to a larger circle of people, and seeing the resemblance of eyes or a nose, hair or lack of hair, and realize that the people in these photos are part of their lives, heritage, and who they are.

If you haven’t checked on the old photos lately, get them out, have the family over, and have fun. Let me know if you feel it too!! Sally

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