Monday, February 19, 2007

Today I feel there may be an end to the health problems that seem to have hit so many of us this winter. Pneumonia just takes forever to go away, and we have become used to designer drugs that will cure us in a few days or at least have us feeling much more human! Not so with this winter's ailments.

So many of my friends, church family and co-workers have been hit with a large variety of long term illnesses- life changing things that cause wonder, and sadness. I am finding that it is normal to have a little depression... after all we are human and some of us are not spring chickens any more! This is where we need to keep all of our faith and hope right in the front of our brains. Every discouraging moment, every setback, every Doctor appointment and test needs to become just another part of daily routine for awhile... not the whole daily routine!

My FAITH is a personal feeling and commitment between God and me. It is something a lot of people have and each of us deals with differently. God and I talk a lot, and in the tough times He is my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night and a source of comfort and warmth during throughout the day. I believe that I have more than once been protected by God and have not been His easiest child. It is hard to realize that you are not in control of your destiny. Kids can't wait to become adults so they can be in control and make their own decisions. Eventually it becomes very clear that a force much greater than our parents, our friends ourselves would continually guide us, and help us make our decisions.

As I witness the faith of others I am inspired by the strength and power they possess because quite simply.. they believe!

HOPE springs eternal from that faith. Faith begins with God, but spreads as it encompasses family, friends and others. We then realize we part of a circle of LOVE and have a responsibility to give and accept the love of others. We need to reach out to them as well as to allow them to reach out to us. The faith, hope and love that develops from a "two way street" means our faith will remain stronger, our hope will give us strength and the ability to look ahead while dealing with the present and our love for our God, ourselves and each other will continue to grow.

1 comment:

FA said...

You also notice the older you get, time passes by quicker? As humans, we are never satisfied. We always want more. That is unfortunate because we tend to forget about the simplistic things of life.