Monday, February 05, 2007

Snow Cold Curves

Hi, just thought you would like to know it is very cold and snowy here. The positive side is my pipes haven't frozen, the electric is still working, and the furnace is cooking nicely!! The down side is the pathetic noise the car makes when I try to start it and the slick roads. My car has spent a little too much time trying to run sideways.

NO SENSE COMPLAINING THOUGH. Everyone reading is in the snow belt and well aware!! How is your layering coming?! I have finally achieved the look ! Asbury t-shirt and snowman turtle neck topped with the Verizon sweat shirt. It is fun to do, because it doesn't really matter whether or not anything matches- except the outside layers. Who says senior citizens don't have fun any more?!

I went to Curves this morning. So far my commitment is still alive and well. "This Little Light of Mine" is a great song to keep your spirit and drive alive. "I'm Going To Let It Shine"!!!!! Guess the bottom line is I do feel better, am more mentally alive and my body is a little more limber when I do 30 minutes 3 times a week. BET THEY WON'T BE PUTTING ME ON THEIR ADS, BUT THEY SHOULD THINK ABOUT ADVERTISING WITH SOME OUT OF SHAPE "OLD" PEOPLE. Right Bets? Hee hee

I am going to become a Grandma again in a few months. By then I hope to be in decent physical and mental shape, and on a rational life path- with 2 sets of footprints in tact !!

NTAP Sally

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We finally got our snow, and ice, and freezing rain, and sleet. What I wouldn't give for a nice Erie-like snow storm with snow! Ice, ice, sleet, sleet. Yeechhh