Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sometimes It's Tough To Keep Your Faith!

Recently I've had too much time to think. When you are on the verge of depression, excess time can be the enemy. Mercifully I have come to grips with some of the problems being pondered. The big unanswerable questions in life will always remain the big unanswerable questions in life!!!! Face it... go clean something in your house (or begin a major project) and regain the power over your own mind.

Don't go there !!! These three words serve as a warning, a threat, and the beginning of positive thinking. We have all heard, "Get off the couch, get a grip, it's all in your head, get it together..." Well meaning comments from others who just want you to rise up, and get back to reality. Comments that hurt, but aren't meant to be mean.... Those comments can't do for you what you need to do for yourself. Just say to yourself, "Don't go there"!! Get your thoughts back, and you will get your life back.

The Bottom Line is your thoughts and only your thoughts, fueled by your belief systems and your faith, can pull you out of the hole and once again into life. The greatest gift my family probably ever gave my was the opportunity to grasp onto faith, to let it grow, and to let it become the mainstay of my existence. For Christmas my son gave me a footprints necklace.

"When you saw only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you."

Maybe he sensed that I needed something tangible, something I could see, feel, and know in my heart was right. Maybe I just needed to cry and give myself permission to feel bad for a couple days. Exactly what I did...Cried and felt bad for two days. Each time I read the necklace, I realized it was true. I was being carried, and it was time to get back up on my own two feet and reorganize my thinking, rebuild my physical strength, and find the good and positive part of living again. Its good to be back to caring about others more than myself and worrying about the health and welfare of family members, friends and coworkers instead of being consumed with ME

Sometimes it may be hard to keep your faith, but thats when you will be carried, that is the time to heal, mend and renew body, mind and soul. Now I am ready again to do for someone else waht my son did for me...
Friends don't let friends lose their faith


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how our children (no matter what age) can give us exactly what we need. And sometimes they don't even realize it. You've been through a lot in the past few months and it will take a long time to fully recover, both physically and emotionally. Your strong faith, uplifting spirit and life-long stubbornness will continue to move you forward. Your siblings send you much love and thanks for such great (and patient) parent-care, and draw strength from your calm. Now go out and do something fun - just for YOU!