Monday, January 21, 2008

Sometimes we just need to forget about the serious stuff and just be content. Think about what we have, who we know , what we are and use positive vibes to put together a sense of mysterious serenity in the middle of a , "Why God Why!" kind of day.
Sanity is a fragile gift which needs to be updated, and from time to time reprogrammed. Run the virus program, defrag, and reboot ! Otherwise we slow down, don't run well, think wrong thoughts, say wrong things and become part of the problem, instead of being part of the solution. Through us people can be hurt or helped all day every day!
I am guilty of forgetting just how much I have to be thankful for sometimes and a bleak view of life sets in. Customer service is my job, and when you are not having a good day, people can really get on your nerves. With the right combination of life, all of your senses can get involved in turning you right around and getting you day back on track.
The snow is falling , and it is very cold. I may not be thrilled with that, but I do love the beauty of the snow first thing in the morning. The cold?- Annoying , but enough layers of clothing will get you through any time you have to spend outside. Right now the sun is shining as brightly as it shines, and the snow is so bright it almost blinds you when you look at it! Beautiful gift from God that will be gone in another couple of months until next winter. I am feeling it, seeing it, shoveling it, and I will remember. I think about the joy snow brings some people, and the livelihood it brings others, still, I will complain about it too.
Cold people seem to hug more. Ever notice that? Human contact means a moment of warmth and sunshine on a dismal day. Hugs and smiles, handshakes, a pat on the back... the friendly touch of a fellow human being can make a huge difference not just in the moment, but holds the capability of changing the course of a day or a life. Depending on the situation, it can bring hope mental help or a mood lift. There is a warmth that goes deep within and remains as long as it is needed. Thoughts can be brighter, moods can be lightened, situations and stress can be lessened all because a friend took the time to reach out and touch.
Every day needs lots of laughter. Especially the days you least want to laugh. Find the fun! Stress is a killer- for real. It does cause lots of weird medical and mental problems. Finding the fun is a super stress buster. Humor is everywhere, everyday, in everyone. Use it as often as you can. When unhappy people see you with a positive outlook they can turn it around for themselves. Verbalize what is funny. Help someone else find the humor in unfunny situations. It is easy to find the fun once you start looking for it. Look for it and share it with someone else.
Prayer Power being what is should be used every morning without fail, and each day I ask God to help me find the gifts of the day, and to give me moments to share them with others. The days I forget to "let the love of God enfold me" are lost until someone else shares with me some joy, a touch, or a time of laughter, and helps me remember that something about this day is very special. Maybe slippery snow is not that special to me, but to someone else it is a miracle. God gives us all the special things and times we can want or need, but we need to be able to see, feel, hear, smell or taste His miracles, and then to be able to give the gift to someone else. Sally

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